A Journal of Postdoctoral Research.
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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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Can aging be reversed?
Noushin Nabavi
University of California, San Francisco
Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology. University of California, San Francisco 94107, USA .
One of the hallmarks of aging and aging-related diseases is a disruption in the homeostasis of mitochondrial function. Why this disruption occurs and how it leads to the reduced function of mitochondria is still a topic of much research and scientific attention. In this midst, Gomes et al's recent article in Cell brings forth an essential and exciting finding on reversibility of mitochondrial dysfunction with age (Gomes, Price et al. 2013). This reversibility is enabled through restoration of intracellular communication between mitochondria and nucleus, which falls short during the aging process. To explain this, there are a number of key players that are going to be discussed first.

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