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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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Exploring the dynamics of mammalian vocal-motor processes with emerging advanced technolo
Laura N. Kloepper, and Jason E. Gaudette
Brown University
Department of Neuroscience and Center for Biomedical Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI 02906, USA
Biomimetics involves looking to nature to find new or alternative solutions to human problems. Man-made sonar is one technological example where a half-century of independent development has led to many advanced implementations. Despite the basic similarities with animal echolocation, biosonar is still far ahead of the performance curve due to its superior imaging in dense clutter, rejection of jamming, adaptation to new environments, and sheer simplicity of having only two receive sensors. We still cannot explain the incredible precision of echolocators nor create manmade devises of comparable performance. Until recently, insufficient recording technology has been the main limitation in the field of biosonar research. Today, advanced sensing and data processing allow for more powerful and economical recording devises, which are accelerating our understanding of animal biosonar. This article summarizes recent technological advances in biosonar and applications of new technologies that provide innovative engineering solutions in this interdisciplinary field.

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