Author(s) Ravi Ramesh Pathak
Abstract: Science and ethics have always been considered to be synonymous; after all what could be unethical in the pursuit of knowledge? However, science in today’s world is no longer driven by insatiable curiosity; instead it has become an extremely competitive, cutthroat exercise driven by utilitarian aspects. Address CA
United States
90701 Abstract: What does it mean being a fresh postdoc in 2012? Taking from my experience, I would say the most evident change from the previous position (ie PhD student) is geographical. To follow my dream project I abandoned UK, where I studied for my PhD, and landed in sunny Singapore. Seeing the faces around me when I go to work every morning, I am no exception; my department is full of young, eager, motivated postdocs coming from Europe. Author(s) Dr. VUK USKOKOVICAddress San Francisco
United States
94158 Abstract: Somewhere on the booklet of the last record of an alternative American band (Hüsker Dü 1987) in the mid-80s, a message is hidden, telling us that the most beautiful songs ever sung lie hidden in each and everyone’s hearts. What makes a difference between the artist and the layman is that the former has found
the way how to dig them out to the surface and present them in all their charms to the people. Author(s) Dr Spiros Kitsinelis Address Germany
343434 Abstract: From the very beginning of the scientific enterprise, scientists have been dog fighting for credit, recognition and securing a place in the pantheon of great minds. I am not sure if I can call this just vanity. Having scientific theories named after you and making sure your name is a celebrated one for centuries after your death is not just about human ego. A Author(s) Carola Wilczek*, Komal Rasaputra, Valeria Antico Arciuch and Joerg Schlatterer Address CA
United States
908701 Abstract: The Einstein Postdoctoral Association (EPA) was founded in 1996 at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York as one of the first Postdoctoral Associations in the US. Its founding was highly encouraged and supported by Dean Purpura and the founding postdoctoral scholars were Dr. Fiona Pixley and Dr.
Paula Cohen. Fiona Pixley, now Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia, says about the founding process: ‘We called a [postdoc] meeting by putting flyers up throughout the research buildings and expected a handful of attendees.