A Journal of Postdoctoral Research.
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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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Title : Dr.
First Name : XAVIER
Last Name : MARTINI
University/Institution : University of Florida
Phone # : 8632241631
Email ID : xmartini@ufl.edu
City : Lake Alfred
Country : United States
State : Florida
Zipcode : 33850
Department : Entomology and Nematology
Company Name :
Area of Research
Asian citrus psyllid and redbay ambrosia beetle management
Area of Expertise
Behavioral and chemical ecology
Brief Description of Research Interest :

Dr. Martini is an insect and agro-ecosystems ecologist. His research expertise encompasses multiple biological disciplines including entomology, field ecology, chemical and behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology and agronomy. Dr. Martini is keenly interested in a number of fundamental and applied research topics including :

1. Plant pathogen and insect interactions

2. Chemical ecology with a particular focus on insect-plant interactions

3. Dispersion, distribution and movement of insect pests and

4. Applied entomology and agroecology, with the development of directly usable tools for growers.

Representative Publications :

 Martini X., Peltz-Stelinski K., Stelinski L.L. (2015) Absence of windbreaks, and solid setplantings increase density of Asian citrus psyllid. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.212: 168-174.

Martini X., Hugues M., Smith, J.,Stelinski, L.L. (2015) Response of redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus, toleaf volatiles of its host plants.Journal of Chemical Ecology. 41: 613-621.

Martini X., Hoffmann M., Coy M.,Stelinski, L.L., Peltz-Stelinski K. (2015) Infection of an insect vector with abacterial plant pathogen increases its propensity for dispersal. PLOS One. e0129373.

Martini X., Guarigues J-F., Hemptinne J-L. (2015) Egg-cannibalism by ladybird larvae is less frequent than expecteddespite the nutritional benefit accrued to cannibals. Journal of Applied Entomology. InPress.

 Lewis-Rosenblum H., Martini X., Tiwari S.,Stelinski L.L. (2015) Seasonal Movement Patterns and Long-Range Dispersal ofthe Asian Citrus Psyllid, in Florida Citrus. Journal ofEconomic Entomology. 108: 3-10.

Martini X., Kuhns E.H., Hoyte A., Stelinski L.L. (2014) Plant volatiles and density-dependent conspecific femaleodors are used by Asian citrus psyllid to evaluate host suitability on aspatial scale.  Arthropod-PlantInteractions. 8: 453-460.

Martini X., Hoyte A.,Stelinski L.L. (2014) Abdominal color of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae)is associated with flight capabilities.  Annals of the Entomological Society ofAmerica. 107 : 842-847.

 Martini X., Peltz-Stelinski K., Stelinski L.L. (2014) Plant pathogen-inducedvolatiles attract parasitoids to increase parasitism of an insect vector. Frontiersin Ecology and Evolution.2: 8.

Prager S., Martini X., Guvvala H., Lundgren J., Nansen C. (2014) Spider mite infestations reduce Bttoxin concentration in corn leaves and predators avoid spider mites that havefed on Bt corn. Annals of Applied Biology. 165: 108-116.

Aksenov A., Martini X., Zhao W., Stelinski L.L., Davis C.E. (2014) Synthetic blends of volatile,phytopathogen-induced odorants can be used to manipulate vector behavior.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2:78.

Kuhns E.H., Martini X., Tribuiani Y., Coy M., Gibbard C., Peña J., Hulcr J.,Stelinski L.L. (2014) Eucalyptol is an attractant of the redbay ambrosiabeetle, Xyleborus glabratus. Journal ofChemical Ecology. 40: 355-362.

 Kuhns E.H., Tribuiani Y., Martini X., Meyer W.L., Peña J., Hulcr J., Stelinski L.L. (2014)Volatiles from the symbiotic fungus, Raffaelealauricola, are synergistic with manuka lures for increased capture of theredbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborusglabratus. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 16: 87-94.

Martini X., Addison T.,Fleming B., Jackson I, Peltz-Stelinski K., Stelinski L.L. (2013) Occurrence of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera:Psyllidae) in an unexpected ecosystem: the Lake Kissimmee State Park forest,Florida. Florida Entomologist. 96:658-660.

MartiniX., Kincy N.1,Vaughn K., Dever J., Nansen C. (2013) Positive association between thrips andspider mites in seedling cotton. Agriculturaland Forest Entomology. 15: 197-203.

Martini X., Dixon A.F.G, Hemptinne J-L. (2013) The effect of relatedness on the response of Adlia bipunctata L. to oviposition deterring cues. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 103:14-19.

Martini X., Kincy N.1,Nansen C. (2012) Quantitative impact assessment of spray coverage and pestbehavior on contact pesticide performance. PestManagement Science. 68(11):1471-1477.

Martini X., Seibert S.,Prager S., Nansen C. (2012) Sampling and interpretation of psyllid nymph countsin potatoes. Entomologia Experimentaliset Applicata. 143: 103-110

Martini X., Haccou P., Olivieri I.,Hemptinne J-L. (2009) Evolution ofcannibalism, and of the female’s response to oviposition deterring pheromone,in aphidophagous predators. Journal ofAnimal Ecology. 78(5): 964-972.

Laubertie E., Martini X., Cadena C., Treilhou M.,Hemptinne J-L. (2006) The source of the oviposition deterring pheromoneproduced by larvae of Adalia bipunctata(L.) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae).  Journal of Insect Behavior. 19(2):231-240.

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