A Journal of Postdoctoral Research.
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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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Does More Education Promote Civic Engagement?
Zhaogang Qiao, Ph.D., Ying Zhang, Ph.D., and Guodong Liang, Ph.D. 
University of Maryland
Community Training and Assistance Center, Boston, MA, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Education has long been regarded as a predicator for a strong understanding of civics, implying that civic participation will increase with more education. In this work, we model the relationship between schooling and a broad range of civic outcomes by using data from the National Civic Engagement Survey (NCES I) of Spring, 2002. By using Child labor laws as instruments and controlling for a number of factors such as age, gender, and occupation status, we estimated the contribution education makes in promoting civic participation. Our results suggest that education has a positive impact on voting, volunteering, and citizens’ group participation.


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