A Journal of Postdoctoral Research.
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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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"Tit for Tat": FBXW7 targets C/EBP protein for degradation and inhibits pro-inflammatory
Thomas J. Turbyville.
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Frederick, Maryland 21702 USA
Tissue homeostasis depends on the ability of the organism to mount an inflammatory response to insult, injury or infection. Inflammation involves an assemblage of cooperating cells and signals that lays the groundwork for the repair of damage to the tissue. Normally once the healing process begins, the inflammatory process shuts off. In tumor progression however, chronic or acute exposure to noxious substances, infection, disease, anti-cancer therapy and the tumor itself can constitutively or inappropriately maintain the inflammatory process in the on state. Within tissues, chronic inflammation can combine with the evolutionary forces of mutation and natural selection to create the necessary conditions for the emergence of increasingly proliferative and invasive, metastatic cancer cells. A tumor in short,.....

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