A Journal of Postdoctoral Research.
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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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Title : Dr.
First Name : JUSTIN
Last Name : FENDOS
University/Institution : Fudan University
Email ID : jfendos@aya.yale.edu
City : Shanghai
Country : China
State : Shanghai
Zipcode : 200433
Department : Tan School of Genetics
Company Name :
Area of Research
Higher education assessment and development
Area of Expertise
STEM education, active learning, scientific teaching
Brief Description of Research Interest :
I am currently in charge of education programs at both Fudan University in China and Dongseo University in South Korea. I specialize in both efficacy assessment and program development. I am in charge of both STEM lecture and lab courses as well as the development of language and liberal arts courses using scientific teaching and active learning systems. I am the founding director of the BIOS Program, a cross-disciplinary authentic research experience track funded through the Collaborative Innovation Center for Genetics and Development in Shanghai. In 2013, I was named a teaching fellow through the Howard Hughes (HHMI).
Representative Publications :

FendosJE, Barrera F, Engelman DM. (2013) Aspartate Embedding Depth Affects pHLIP’sInsertion pKa. Biochemistry.

Fendos JE and Barrera F (co-firstauthors), Engelman DM. (2012) Membranephysical properties influence transmembrane helix formation. PNAS.

Fendos JE, Engelman DM. (2012) pHLIP and acidity as a universal biomarkerfor cancer. Yale Journal ofBiology and Medicine. (was chosen for the cover of this issue)

Demmel L, Melak M, Fendos JE, Kotisch H, Reipert S, WarrenG. (2011) Differential selection of Golgiproteins by COPII Sec24 isoforms in procyclic T.brucei. Traffic.

Fendos J. (2009) Genetics and Genomics as anAnthropological Subject: Approaching with Caution. Yale Journalof Biology and Medicine.

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